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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
This post is the 2nd and final post in this series, and follows on from A Go Microservice, first look – part 1
To interact with MongoDB, we need to add the ‘Go MongoDB driver‘ (the client module). This is an external dependency, and our first for this project so far. We will add the official driver from Mongo using the go get tool from the command line.
go get
This will download the driver and update the Go module file for this project, which now looks like this;
go 1.16
require v1.5.3 // indirect
There are many options open to us on this one, MongoDB offer a free developer sandbox in the cloud which you can sign up for and use, so no need to install anything. For this demo, I am opting to stay local and use docker. Docker makes it ridiculously easy to install pretty much anything. We will run docker locally in a container and for now ignore volumes, this means all data will be lost once the container is destroyed, no good for production, but fine for demo purposes. Official image available from Docker Hub
docker run --name my-mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
Note: There is no security set up for this as this is only a demo running locally
As our Go application will connect over HTTP using a connection string, it really doesn’t matter which instance of MongoDB use you (cloud, local install or docker).
Replacing the ‘In Memory’ database with the new MongoDB is as simple as a creating a new concrete implementation of the DataStore interface. The code that consumes the datastore is accessing it via the public interface methods (it’s API), so simply adding a new instance for MongoDB and switching one for the other should do it.
In part 1 we defined an interface called Datastore, and using this an InMemoryDataStore was created. Below is the existing interface for defined in part 1.
type DataStore interface {
Init() error
GetItem(id string) (model.Item, error)
GetItems() []model.Item
AddItem(item model.Item) (model.Item, error)
UpdateItem(item model.Item, id string) error
To get the application hooked up to a MongoDB instance, we require two things
Thats it – No other code changed are required as the database implementation has been abstracted from the rest of the application code. SOLID at its best (Single Responsibility, Open Close and Liskov Substitution principles all on display), making a change to the database (an implementation detail), a very localised change without the need for major surgery to the codebase.
A new go source file is created, mongodatastore.go with a new struct. To connect to MongoDB will need a URL to establish a connection, this wasn’t required for the InMemory, so as this is Mongo specific implementation, we can add the url as a parameter to the MongoDBDataStore struct. We also need a few more variables to hold the references to the MongoClient, collection and context, as well as the database and collection name, so adding these as properties to the struct makes sense.
type MongoDBDataStore struct {
Url string
DatabaseName string
CollectionName string
client *mongo.Client
collection *mongo.Collection
ctx context.Context
Now we can flesh out the implementation of the interface. Using documentation from an official MongoDB blog post as a guide, it’s fairly simple to get the CRUD operations (minus delete) implemented. Let start with Initialisation
func (d* MongoDBDataStore) Init() error {
d.ctx = context.TODO()
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(d.Url)
client, err := mongo.Connect(d.ctx, clientOptions)
if err != nil {
err = client.Ping(d.ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
d.collection = client.Database(d.DatabaseName).Collection(d.CollectionName)
return nil
Notice here we are using a pointer (d*) to the MongoDBDataStore. This struct now contains state, so we want to pass around the reference (the same instance of the struct in memory) not make copies of the struct for each call.
func (d* MongoDBDataStore) GetItem(id string) (model.Item, error) {
// convert the ObjectID struct to a string representation (the ID)
ID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return model.Item{}, err
singleResult := d.collection.FindOne(d.ctx, bson.M{"_id": ID})
if singleResult == nil {
log.Println("item not found for ID: " + id)
return model.Item{}, errors.New("item not found for ID: " + id)
// Convert the JSON result to a struct
var elem model.Item
err = singleResult.Decode(&elem)
if err != nil {
return model.Item{}, err
return elem, nil
Here we create a filter to search for a specific ID value, stored in _id which is a unique ID that MongoDB uses when creating documents. The result is then converted (marshalled) from JSON into the Go struct and returned by the function (passed back to the HTTP controller).
func (d *MongoDBDataStore) GetItems() []model.Item {
var cur, err = d.collection.Find(d.ctx, bson.M{})
var results []model.Item
if err != nil {
} else {
for cur.Next(d.ctx) {
var elem model.Item
err := cur.Decode(&elem)
if err != nil {
results = append(results, elem)
return results
This time we use Find rather than FindOne. No filtering is applied, so we get all the results. In practice this isn’t ideal, as what if the database contained millions of rows? in this case we would want to page the results, but again for this demo all will be fine for now.
func (d *MongoDBDataStore) AddItem(item model.Item) (model.Item, error) {
insertResult, err := d.collection.InsertOne(d.ctx, item)
if err != nil {
return item, err
id := insertResult.InsertedID
item.Id = id.(primitive.ObjectID).Hex()
return item, nil
Adding an item is pretty straightforward, the Item struct is passed to the InsertOne method, and if successful a new Item is inserted and assigned a new unique ID. The ID can be obtained from the returned struct. This is not a string, so the ID string needs to be extracted and converted before assigned to the item.ID and returned via the REST controller.
func (d *MongoDBDataStore) UpdateItem(item model.Item, id string) error {
ID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = d.collection.ReplaceOne(d.ctx, bson.M{"_id": ID}, item)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
There is an in-built MonogDB method called RepalceOne, which does what to says on the tin. It will replace the document, retaining its original ID.
This has been a fun learning experience, I have enjoyed diving into the Go programming language and implementing a simple service. The Go documentation is very good and although the language itself is fairly small, there are some really good supporting 3rd party libraries for many common tasks. I haven’t looked at these as yet, but one in particular Gorilla/Mux looks really interesting to simplify the process of creating a web service, although for a very simple service, this two-part blog shows it’s fairly easy to get up and running. As usual with this, making it production ready takes a lot more more time and effort (and testing!), but the purpose of this was a first look at the technology for learning purposes.
MongoDB is fantastic, it has great documentation and widely supported. Next steps will be to look at security, securing the Database and also the public REST API using JWT’s. I am loving working with MongoDB, so more to follow on this in future blogs.
In case you are interested, the full source code is here