

JetBrains AI Assistant

JetBrains recently announced they would be integrating an AI Assistance into their IDEs. With this, I download the Early Access release of Intelij to have a go. There has been a lot of talk about generative AI within the Software…

What’s the Story Point?

What are story points and how can they help with Software Development. Estimation Anyone who have been involved in software will have given an estimate at some point. We are all used to estimates and typically these are given in…

Go – Implementing a Set

Java, Python and many other languages have many standard collections available, 3 of the most basic and common would be Lists, Maps and Sets. Go provides lists (slices), and maps (dictionaries), but not set. This might seem a deficiency in…

Go – Using a Slice as a Stack

Many programming languages such as Java and Python come with a very large set of features and standard library. While Go does come with an excellent standard library, it is deliberately smaller. On of the primary purposes of Go is…